Latest News

Hey welcome to my site! Some recent things I’ve been up to:

The Romanoffs


I’m happy to share that I recently scored an episode of Matthew Weiner’s new show “The Romanoffs.” This Friday, November 16, the episode I scored, “End of The Line,” will be available on Amazon Prime. The score is for tsymbaly, cello, bass clarinet, orchestral percussion and electronics. I worked with a ton of great people on the project, including producer Blake McCormick, and editor Chris Figler, and the episode turned out beautifully. Below, you can listen to an unused track of mine from The Romanoffs sessions.

Check out “End of The Line” this Friday!

Airport Dislocation
Erik Friedlander

Artemisia Release Show


My newest record Artemisia is coming out on April 13th. To celebrate, there will be an album release show on April 11th - 7:30pm at Dixon Place. I'll be playing with my band "Throw a Glass," who's amazing performances are captured on Artemisia. It's gonna be a great show, and don't forget to listen to Artemisia, coming out on April 13th!


Throw a Glass: Erik Friedlander, cello; Uri Caine, piano; Mark Helias, bass; Ches Smith, drums

New Track: It's Our Time MF

My free track for March is a new one called "It's Our Time MF." It was composed to celebrate the release of "Thoroughbreds," which is out now in theaters everywhere! "It's Our Time MF" is a line of dialogue spoken in the movie, and the track is inspired by some of themes from my score for the film. Download it for free right here! Also check out the short "making of" video above.

Vocals by Sara Serpa, Jamie Saft on fender rhodes, Ches Smith on drums, Satoshi Takeishi on percussion, and I played a distorted cello solo (I seem to be getting into that these days..)

Thoroughbreds Soundtrack


This Friday, Focus Features is releasing "Thoroughbreds," a psychological thriller directed by Corey Finley. I composed the soundtrack for the film, and am very excited to share that my score - along with a few pop songs featured in the film - will be released digitally on March 9th! This project was so great to work on, and I think that audiences will be surprised by some of the musical directions this film goes into. Sylvie Courvoisier played prepared piano on a few tracks, and Satoshi Takeishi added all kinds of percussion. Look for the soundtrack this Friday, and don't miss "Thoroughbreds," it's a really fantastic film!



Help Fund My New Absinthe Inspired Record


I've recently finished up my newest album Artemisia, a project inspired by the murky history of absinthe as a brain bending, revelation inspiring substance. The album is recorded with my new band Throw A Glass, featuring Uri Caine on piano, Mark Helias on bass, Ches Smith on drums and me on cello. The record is already mixed and mastered and I recently previewed some of the material at The Stone. I truly believe that this album is one of the best of my career and I'm so excited for you all to hear it.

I want to do something special with this project so I'm trying to raise the funds to create a beautiful deluxe vinyl box set to house the recording. I've never tried crowd sourcing before, but I've set up an Indiegogo campaign and would like to ask for your help in supporting this endeavor. I've already paid for the majority of the project - the musician and studio fees, mixing and mastering costs - but need help creating the final physical product. The box set I've designed includes the album on 3 10" LPs, with artwork by Akino Kondoh, and an 8 page booklet with additional writings and artwork. The box set will be a beautiful addition to anyone's collection.

You can check out more details on the campaign at the link below - there are some really great perks that come with donating. If you don't feel as if you can donate, you can still greatly help me out by sharing this link with your friends and followers!

Thank you so much for your time and support!

John Zorn in 'S-Hertogenbosch

Tomorrow, I'm taking part in "John Zorn In 'S-Hertogenbosch", an all day festival comprising film scores, string quartets, chamber music, ensemble compositions and improvisations. This concert series takes place in various venues throughout Den Bosch on November 4th. The full schedule follows.

10.00 h - Zorn 2010-2017 (documentary by Mathieu Amalric)

11.30 h - String Quartets (Jack Quartet / Gosling)

13.00 h - Music for Rhythm Section (Sorey / Gosling / Campbell / Lipowski / Blumenkranz )

14.30 h - The Hermetic Organ (Zorn)

15.30 h - Bagatelles I (Friedlander / Campbell / Riley / Lage)

17.00 h - Madrigals (Sheldon / Bates / Brailey / Hughes / Calloway / Sollek)

18.30 h - Bagatelles II (Nova Express / Marsella)

20.00 h - Chamber Music (Asko / Schonberg / Mori / Campbell / Gosling)

21.30 h - Simulacrum (Medeski / Hollenberg / Grohowski)

23.00 h - Essential Cinema (Zorn / Mori / Dunn / Wollesen)

As well, I'm updating this page with pictures from the tour -- check it out!

John Zorn's Bagatelles Marathon at Jazz Fest Sarajevo

I'll be performing as part of John Zorn's two day Bagatelles Marathon at Jazz Fest Sarajevo, taking place November 1st and 2nd. The full list of performers follows:

John Zorn, saxophone
Dave Douglas, trumpet
Greg Cohen, bass
Joey Baron, drums

Julian Lage, guitar
Gyan Riley, guitar

John Medeski, piano
Kenny Wollesen, vibraphone
Trevor Dunn, bass
Joey Baron, drums

Mark Feldman, violin
Sylvie Courvoisier, piano

Will Greene, guitar
Simon Hanes, bass
Aaron Edgcomb, drums

(intermission up to 30 min)

Erik Friedlander, cello
Jay Campbell, cello

Uri Caine, piano
Mark Helias, bass
Clarence Penn, drums

Ikue Mori, electronics

John Medeski, organ
David Fiuczynski, guitar
Calvin Weston, drums

Craig Taborn, piano

Marc Ribot, guitar
Trevor Dunn, bass
Kenny Grohowski, drums
John Zorn, conducting

Event Details

As well, I'm updating this page with pictures from the tour -- check it out!

Support The Stone


As some of you may be aware, The Stone is in the process of moving from Avenue C to its new location at The New School. I recently played my first shows at the new space and had an amazing time. The Stone runs at a deficit as they give all of their proceeds to the artists that play there, and this move will incur more costs. Therefore, they are now asking for support so that the move can go as smoothly as possible. If you're interested in giving, the link is below, and you can check out the great perks that come along with donating as well! 

Support The Stone Here

Illuminations in Dublin


On October 29th I'll be performing a solo show featuring material from my 2013 album Illuminations at The Shaw Room in The National Gallery of Ireland. Illuminations was originally commissioned by the Jewish Museum in New York City which hosted an exhibit of ancient books from Oxford University’s Bodleian Collection. The exhibit brought together ancient illuminated texts in Arabic, Latin and Hebrew. Illuminations weaves inspirations from ancient book making with ritual dance movements and Renaissance vocal forms. 

The show starts at 3:30 PM. Tickets are €15 and can be purchased here: Tickets

As well, I'm updating this page with pictures from the tour -- check it out!

Carl Dreyer's Vampyr at St. Patrick's Cathedral

This Friday, I'm excited to be performing a new original score for Carl Dreyer's 1932 film "Vampyr". I will be joining guitarist/composer Matthew Nolan as well as David Kitt, Margie Lewis, and Catherine Sikora for our performance at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. The show starts at 9PM, tickets are €20 and can be bought here: Tickets

As well, I'm updating this page with pictures from the tour -- check it out!


Erik Friedlander Plays The Stone At The New School

Glassbox Theater 2.jpg

The Stone is transitioning into The Stone at The New School this year. Join me at The New School's Glass Box Theater this Friday and Saturday for two concerts full of new music!

October 20th
Oscalypso - New Music

Erik Friedlander, cello
Michael Blake, saxophone
Michael Sarin, drums
Michael Bates, bass

October 21st
"Artemisia" - A new project from Erik Friedlander

Erik Friedlander, cello
Uri Caine, piano
Ches Smith, drums
Shanir Blumenkranz, bass


"NYSFERATU: Symphony of a Century" Screening with Live Score

This Thursday I'm joining the Michael Leonhart Orchestra to provide a live, improvised score for Andrea Mastrovito's NYsferatu. Resetting Friedrich W. Murnau’s classic 1922 film Nosferatu in contemporary New York City, Mastrovito and his team of 12 artists have created over 35,000 original drawings to replicate the beautifully eerie flickering shutter effect of early cinema. The re-imagined storyline and title cards of NYsferatu were made in collaboration with recent immigrants and English-as-new-language learners. The show is free, and starts at dusk (around 7:30PM). Hope to see you there!

Event info

Oscalypso European Tour

Starting rehearsals now for our European Tour. We head out at the end of the week. Here's the schedule:

  • Jan 31 Bremen/Germany - Moments Musikclub
  • Feb 01 Gent/Belgium - Handelsbeurs Concertzaal
  • Feb 02 Köln/Germany - Stadtgarden
  • Feb 03 Dublin/Ireland - Kevin Barry Room in The National Concert Hall
  • Feb 04 Dublin/Ireland - Kevin Barry Room in The National Concert Hall
  • Feb 06 Bozen/Italy - Carambolage
  • Feb 07 Singen/Germany - GEMS Kulturzentrum
  • Feb 10 Salzburg/Austria - JAZZIT:MUSIK:CLUB SALZBURG (Jazz im Theater)
  • Feb 11 Ferrara/Italy - Torrione San Giovanni - Jazz Club Ferrara

And here's a recent interview I did discussing Oscar Pettiford and the upcoming tour.